14 December 2006
the metro speaking with somebody I suddenly saw behind his back that the line
was to Dachau. This town is close to Munich, about 20
minutes by train to the station. It has normal streets, parks, even an art museum.
street called after Nibelungs, another just Brunhilda street.
The pavement like Brodsky says: "The city that death spread over school map, its
pavement shines like scales of carp". I caught the effect in night Munich 2007.
Bus very soon brings to memorial of concentration camp with the same name. In
this picture as in many others there is my shadow, but the mind keep thinking
about shadows of victims.
camp was created already in 1933 soon after Nazis caught the power. The idea
labor camp with homicide was already implemented in USSR.
found appropriate commandant for the place - man hospitalized for sadism. Third
from right. He made a career building camps, but all things were tried here.
Another idea that Hitler took from Bolsheviks was: coalition government with another party, false accusations towards the party with subsequent annihilation. Russian Communists did it with SR party already in 1918. Still another - elections with one candidate.
Coming near the entrance to the camp, now and than.
Gray pictures are exhibits which I copied.
Infamous slogan "Work makes free" on the gate. One can enter free (closed on
Monday), but soon one feels worried if free exit is still possible.
One can see wire, barrack, watch tower.
The place was full of youth, teachers brought them here instead of
school, so they laugh, play, embrace, except maybe in gas chamber and crematorium.
New prisoners
Degrading uniform.
if I am trying it
senseless labor
And witness' sketch.
Sadistic detail:
prisoner must count,
on case
of error starting again
to roof
Scarce food
Density and forced
constant floor cleaning
Doctors Union was one of the first professional unions that passed Nazification. Clean and fast. Very difficult to explain how this humanist profession could be used in such a way. "Race theory" is not enough, because they did experiments on the best of their own - clergy opposing Nazism on the basis of Christianity and humanism. Christianity proclaimed abolishment of nations, and one of Pope letters on the subject was forbidden under Nazi. There was a decision that all results must be destroyed, but in fact it was impossible, some were printed. It seems that atmoshpere prevents any scientific value in any case.
This respectfully looking doctor caused malaria
to > 1000 people. Many of clergy, some German clergy.
in hypothermia
Prisoner died of low pressure
Of emboli in brain
Karl H. - man to the right on photo below, survived experiment on him
Sea water instead of drinking water
His fault was being Gipsy
prisoner was pushed into forbidden zone and shot (left).
Others were officially
Some put end to their lives, jumping on wire with high voltage. Other had lethal injection.
The most famous tool of death - gas chamber was used in Dachau experimentally,
paving way to Auschwitz and others.
building had openings were containers with "Zyklon
B" gas were put. The the trap door was closed and gas freed into
saw [false] sprinklers at ceiling, while gas passed through wide opening high in
the wall. Drains in floor were real - to clean the place. The gas production for
military was developed by Fritz Haber during and after WW1. In spite of it, he
was forced to fled in 1933 as a Jew. His first wife and
also son committed suicides.
Piles of bodies in front of crematorium.
Crematorium then and now.
Towards the end, people were just shot and buried in this place behind
Prisoners organized |
One of few escaped. |
Organized mutual help |
Song of prisoners by |
This German major |
Bernadotte, |
Another movie - |
Liberation! |
Liberation was too |
Memorial for Jews. |
Memorial for perished |
Vision changed after the visit. |